Useful information

Timetables, services and spaces to enjoy at the hotel medium valencia


Breakfast: From 7.00 am to 11 am (Monday to Friday)
From 7.30 am to 11 am (Saturday, Sunday and public holidays)

Pool Bar: Seasonally closed
Pool: Seasonally closed

Reception: 24 hours
Check in: 4 pm
Check out: 12 pm

Room cleaning service: until 4 pm

Pool towels

Exclusive use in the hotel swimming pool.

1 towel per person free of charge.

In case of loss, a fee of 20€ will be charged.

Reservation of sunbeds in the pool area is not allowed.

Safe deposit box


Set a 4-digit code


Free throughout the hotel.

To connect, log in by registering with your email address and the room number where you are staying.


Open daily from 6.00 am to 10 pm.

Located on the ground floor of the hotel.

Internet Corner

Free service.

Connect to the Internet from our PC located on floor -1 (access from the hall).

Tennis and paddle courts

Check the price at Reception and confirm your reservation


All rooms include a minibar with drinks and snacks. Please check the price sheet available in your room.


If you need a washing/ironing service, you will find a rate sheet in your wardrobe. You have to fill it in confirming if you want express or normal service and hand it in at Reception.

Hotel left luggage

If you have arrived very early or have to leave later, you can leave your luggage in the luggage room (reception) and pick it up later.


At 3 minutes from the hotel, in the same street, you will find Subway Line 10 (Amado Granell Mesado Station)


A minute from the hotel, next to the roundabout at the entrance to the car park, you will find
a taxi stand


Valencia Joaquín Sorolla and Valencia Nord stations are connected by a free bus with a 10 minutes frequency and a journey time of less than 5 minutes.
To get to Estació Nord from the hotel (2 km away) you can choose to take the subway or bus lines 35 or 14.



Lines 14 and 35. To arrive to the city centre (stop in front of the hotel).
Line 95. Towards Playa Las Arenas / La Malvarrosa (stop at the Museu Faller, 5 minutes walk).
Line 24. To the beaches of El Saler and L'Albufera (transfer with lines 14 and 35).

Tourist Bus

Stop at the Museu Faller (5 minutes walk from the hotel).

Airport Transfer

From the hotel to the airport. Ask for it at Reception.

By public transport:

* Subway line 3 or 5 (to Xàtiva station)
From Xàtiva station, take the EMT 35 bus.

Hotel- Airport
* Bus EMT 35 to Xàtiva stop and then metro line 3 or 5 (Airport).